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    CD Duplication VS. Replication
    With the digital world evolving more and more, many artists have turned to releasing their songs digitally, but surprisingly there are still many people who want to have that physical product in hand — especially when you are playing live and have the merch to sell after shows. Plus, it’s a great way for the artist to interact with their fans!

    When it comes to CD duplication and replication many people don’t realize there is a difference between the two.

    REPLICATION is the process of creating a glass master/stamper from your audio and then manufacturing or molding each disc. This is the process used when you purchase a commercially released CD.

    DUPLICATION is the process of burning each disc, usually on a CD burning tower using CDRs (writable CDs).

    Is there a difference between the two processes in terms of quality?

    The short answer is no. The quality is identical with both processes, but there is a very small chance that a duplicated CD might not play on some older generation CD players, including the CD players in older cars. The reason is the laser in some of the older CD players is unable to process or read all the information on the disc. It’s very rare but it does happen.

    Sweetwater Studios does not duplicate or replicate in house, but we have many partners we work with depending on our customers’ needs. The nice thing is Sweetwater will handle all the details for you.

    Which process is best for you and your project?

    In my opinion that comes down to budget, your marketing and distribution plan, and how often you perform to sell the CDs.

    With replicated CDs the minimum order is usually 500. However, if you think that you’ll need to re-order more CDs down the road you should consider getting 1,000, and there are HUGE price breaks when ordering 1,000 CDs.

    If you don’t need 1,000, or even 500 CDs, that’s okay. Then duplicated CDs are still the best route for you. Most of our partners do have a minimum of 100 CDs, however.

    How does the pricing work?

    Pricing is based on the artwork and packaging of your project.

    A popular example is a full-color CD, 4-page insert (think of it as a booklet — a piece of paper folded in half, the cover and back are pages one and two, and the inside are pages three and four), a tray card (the very back of the CD — under the tray holding the CD) assembled in a standard jewel case and shrink wrapped.

    Another popular package is a 5×5 CD full color sleeve and disc, assembled and shrink wrapped. Many bands choose this option when their main goal is using the CD as a demo to submit to potential venues.

    The possibilities and packaging options go on from there. If you have a specific idea in mind just let us know and we’ll be happy to put a quote together for you.

    What do you need to provide in order to place a CD order?

    We need your CD master or DDP file and the electronic art files in our templates. Accepted formats are Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign files. You can also provide hi-res pdfs.

    If your project doesn’t consist of all original music, then you do need to have mechanical licenses for any cover songs. Make sure you give credit on any song to the writer.

    Need help with the graphics or layout?

    We can help there too! We offer both graphic design and layout services, and the pricing is based on your needs and specifications.

    What information do you need to include on your graphics?

    Short answer — anything you want. It’s your project. Things that are commonly included are artist, album title, photos, bios or special thanks, credits for everyone that participated on the project, and copyright information. Booking or contact information should be included if you are using the CD as a demo for potential venues.

    How Much Do CD DVD Replication Services Cost?
    Burning just a few CDs or DVDs is an easy task – most of us can do it on our home computers in a matter of minutes. But, if you need hundreds or thousands of disks you probably want to think about outsourcing the job. CD and DVD replication services can turn around thousands of disks in just a matter of days. The added bonus is that they’re professional quality. You can personalize your disks with photos, graphics and professionally-designed cases.

    There is a host of uses for CD and DVD duplication in the world of business – from creating training videos or tutorials to mass-producing company marketing materials. They’re also a great option for recording artists or filmmakers.

    CD and DVD replication services charge for their services in one of two ways:

    A per-disk price ranging from $1 to $5. The price varies based upon the number of disks you order and the printing quality you select. Black-and-white thermal printing is the least expensive. While, high-resolution, full color digital printing is the most expensive.

    A complete package fee that includes disk duplication, printing and packaging for a set number of disks.

    You’ll have to shop around to find which type of pricing plan is a better deal for you. A complete package might be a better deal if you have a large order. While, per-disk pricing might be the most economical choice if you’re ordering just 50 or 100 disks.

    With per-disk pricing, the price of each disk drops considerably with larger orders.

    Here’s a breakdown of what you might expect to pay per disc:

    *** 1,000 or more disks: $1 to $1.60

    500-999: $1.30 to $1.80

    50-99: $2.50 to $3

    1-24: $4 to $5**

    A Question We Get Often: So, Is Vinyl And LP The Same?
    There are several terms used to describe records in general as there are many different types of records. If you landed here, you were likely trying to get someone a gift who collects records, and you wanted to make sure that the “Vinyl” they asked for is the same thing you remembered or you are new to this format of music and just want to make sure you understand.

    So, is vinyl and LP the same? LP means Long Play which refers to a full-length record. Vinyl is a word used now interchangeably with record or album. LP technically refers to the length of a record which can be between 10-12 songs. Vinyl refers to the actual object or medium used as a format of playing music similar to a record.

    There are lots of terms used to describe records and they mean different things. It is very common to get mixed up when trying to understand what they all mean. We hope to help guide you through some of them and hopefully answer at least some of the questions you may have.

    In a time before 8 tracks, tapes, cd’s and digital downloads, the main format of music was vinyl records. At that time, it was very common to refer to full-length albums or 12 inch records as LPs and 7 inch records as EPs or 45s. This is because, at that time, we did not have to differentiate between media mediums.

    When you said, “Hey, I got a new LP,” you meant you got a new full-length record, and it was likely on vinyl unless you had a shellac 78. If you said “Man I really want this EP,” you were referring to a single with a b-side or two.

    Now, we are in a time where there are countless music media mediums, and you have to specify what you are referring to. Nowadays, you would have to say, “Hey, I got this band’s new album on record” in order to specify what you purchased.

    We say this a lot but in the audiophile and music world, there is a lot of semantics when it comes to the words used. They do not necessarily matter at the end of the day.

    Can you record over cassette tapes?
    You might be wondering how can you record over cassette tapes if there’s already audio on the tape?

    Fortunately, this trick is quite easy to do!
    But make sure you digitize your cassette tapes first before erasing the tracks with a new recording.

    Whether you want to reuse old cassette tapes in the closet or play over cringe-worthy mixtapes from your childhood, the process is simple if you still have a cassette deck.

    The top tab on the cassette tape gives you the ability to record over tracks. All you have to do is release the anti-record device on the tab if you want to record different audio over the cassette tape.

    If the tab is removed, then the record button locks up and doesn’t allow audio to be recorded over. So can you record over cassette tapes if the tab is gone? If the tabs are gone on your cassette tapes, there is another trick you can use to record over the audio. Simply cover the tab opening with a small piece of paper or cellophane tape.

    Once you have made these adjustments, you’ll record music onto the cassette tape as you usually would with a cassette deck.

    When recording over cassette tapes, oftentimes background sounds from the previous track can still be heard. Some people record “blank” sounds over the cassette tape before re-recording a new track to ensure a better quality sound. If this is your first time recording over the cassette tape, then the sounds should be barely noticeable.

    The most effective way to eliminate background noise is with a tape head demagnetizer (also known as a bulk tape eraser). A demagnetizer removes the magnetic field on the cassette tape to give the newly recorded audio a crisper sound without any remnant recordings from the previous tracks.

    Background noise accumulates the more you re-record a cassette tape. If you’ve done this several times it’s best to use a new cassette tape or a demagnetizer.

    You Should Listen to CDs
    Cause of death: the unbelievable convenience of streaming platforms. For a modest monthly fee, Spotify offers instant access to what feels like every song ever recorded. Its recommendation algorithms, built on constant surveillance of users’ listening habits, consistently deliver top-notch suggestions. It’s amazing. Listening to good music could hardly be easier.

    It is, in fact, too easy.

    Streaming platforms just aren’t designed with the serious music fan in mind. Back when you had to buy a physical album to listen to it, you really listened to it—even the songs you didn’t like at first. Eventually, some of those tracks would become your favorites. (Other tracks simply sucked, of course.) You paid good money for that CD, after all. Skipping half the tracks felt like an admission of failure.

    Not so with on-demand streaming. When you can listen to any song, at any time, at no additional cost, there’s no pressure to listen to something you don’t enjoy right away. This can lead to musical tastes that are both broader and shallower. Thanks to Spotify’s recommendation features, I’ve discovered a lot of music, particularly from Latin America, that I might not have come across without the nudge from an algorithm. This is great. Yet at the same time, I very rarely challenge myself to listen to music that I don’t immediately enjoy. Why would I, when I can so easily switch to something else.

    Indeed, the immediate, frictionless availability of something else keeps me from spending as much time as I otherwise would even with music I really love. In the pre-streaming era, I’d buy an album and listen to it over and over. With Spotify, I often discover a new artist, get really excited about them, and three months later forget about their existence entirely. If it doesn’t occupy space on your wall, it may not occupy space in your mind.

    There is an obvious antidote to this condition, one that perhaps has already occurred to you: the vinyl record. Many thousands of words have been written about vinyl’s comeback. There’s a natural symmetry to it. Where streaming turns songs into something ephemeral and interchangeable, a record is very much a thing. It’s big. You can hold it in your hands and admire the artwork on the sleeve. If the problem with Spotify is the lack of friction, well, vinyl records are about as frictiony as you can get. They literally require friction to function.

    Another way of putting the above is that records are a colossal pain in the ass. I had a turntable for the past decade. As I got ready to move across the country this summer, thinking hard about what was worth shipping or squeezing into my little car, I realized I hardly ever listened to my records. It’s just too much work. Records get dirty; you have to clean them. Ditto the stylus. Records are huge, and shockingly heavy; it’s hard to find room to store and display them. They’re expensive. Halfway through an album, you have to get up to turn it over. And then you have to get up again when the record ends, unless you want to wear down the needle. As WIRED senior editor—and self-flagellating owner of some 1,300 LPs—Michael Calore puts it, vinyl is “an unwieldy music playback format that sounds worse every single time you listen to it.”
